Click menu command BankReconciliation under sub menu Bank Accounts Furtherunder sub Menu Inventory/Accounts under main menu Modules.
Onthis data entry form data records can be added, deleted of edited. You can alsoperform query and search functions on the data tables. All these tasks can beaccomplished by command button grouped under DataCommand Panel. Click this link for more details of functions of thesebuttons.
This data entry form has been divided under 3tab panels to organizethe information and to facilitate convenient data entry. On each tab there arevarious data fields that are required and some fields can be selected from adrop down combo.
The details of various controls on each tab panels are given below screen imageof each tab.
This tab name titled BankStatement Entry has following required fields: Select BankA/c Name, Transaction Details, Tr. Date and Amount.
On this tab following fields can be selected from a drop down combo:
ThisTransaction Detailscombo is populated from records given under tab named BankTransaction Types, under the menu command Inventory/Accountsunder sub menu Configurationunder main menu Modules.
Followingcolumns are included in this tab name titled Bank Statement
The reportcan be prepared under one of the following criteria: Date and List All.
The Field SelectBank A/c Name Should be selected from a drop down combo.
Select one ofthe option buttons Or Combo Box to display the report.
Followingcolumns are included in this tab name titled Reconciliation
The reportcan be prepared under one of the following criteria: Date and List All.
The Field SelectBank A/c Name Should be selected from a drop down combo.
Select one ofthe option buttons Or Combo Box to display the report.
Clickcommand button E
dit on the DataCommand Panel toedit the currently displayed record. When you are prompted if you want to editthe record answer 'yes'. Now the various data fields of the records shall beenabled so that you can edit the record. Once you have finished editing save therecord by clicking Save, Edit Mode, New or Close button as explained under thelink DataCommand Panel.Thecurrently displayed record can be changed by scrolling theData Control.
Editingwill not be allowed if user passwords are enabled and editing of a record isblocked using menu command SystemAdministration.
Toclose the window press command button marked Close.