Click menu command OpenVoucher under sub menu Bank Accounts Furtherunder sub Menu Inventory/Accounts under main menu Modulesto edit Sales Invoice records.
Click commandbutton Edit on the Memo CommandPanel to edit the currently displayed record. When you are prompted ifyou want to edit the record answer 'yes'. Now the various data fields of therecords shall be enabled so that you can edit the record. Once you have finishedediting save the record by clicking Save, Edit Mode, New or Close button asexplained under the link Memo Command Panel.
The currently displayed recordcan be changed in two ways. First is to scroll the DataControl or you can open the Invoiceor Memo Selection List.
This list canbe opened in the Edit Mode by clicking the command button marked Listthat becomes visible while editing.
Editingwill not be allowed if user passwords are enabled and editing of a record isblocked using menu command SystemAdministration.
Youcan also locate a invoice or memo by specifying its number in the text box andthen press command button marked Goto that becomes visible duringedit.
To close thewindow press command button marked Close.
This dataentry form has been divided under 6 tab panels to organize the information andto facilitate convenient data entry. On each tab there are various data fieldsthat are required and some fields can be selected from a drop down combo.
The detailsof various controls on each tab panels are given below screen image of each tab.
This Form Named OpenVoucher has following required fields: AgentName, and Paid.
When you make a new receipt, this tab name titled Number has Automatically Generates The New Receipt Voucher Number.
This tab name titled VAT code has a field Vat Code. This field can be selected from a drop down combo. You can also check the check boxes named EC Sales and EC Purchase.
If the payment has been givenby the cheque, then click button marked Enter ChequeDetails, Now You can give the details of the cheque.
This tab name titled Narrationshas give the information about the invoice of the receipt. It shows the invoiceno., date, payment etc. If the payment has been given by the cheque, then itshows the Cheque/DD no., date and payment.
This tab name titled PartyAddress shows the address of the party.